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Bad Dog
Published on May 20, 2011
Domestic dogs are a huge annoyance to cyclists and hikers. I have been chased by pit bulls, german shepherds, labs, and even dogs in packs. I’ve never been attacked. Here’s the mindset/method I use to deter them. Before you folks at PETA get bent out of shape, know that this is the same mindset I adopt when a human sprints after me while screaming and trying to bite me.
Here are my progressive steps:
1. Stop walking or riding, this is viewed as fleeing,
2. Face dog and command/tell him to STFU/back off, direct this to the pack leader if encountering a pack,
3. Grab weapon and start going after dog,
4. Kick dog,
5. Kill dog.
Somewhere in that process the dog will run away….or die.
Domestic dogs aren’t pack hunters. 99% of the time they are just trying to establish dominance, which means if you go after the pack leader, the others will just run away and watch to see if they’re going to get a new leader. Dogs are also like 1/3 my size, so they pretty much know what’s up. However, they’re great at reading body language and tone of voice.
So, unless you’re willing to go to at least step 4, your lack of resolve will show through.
I’ve got a lot of practice with this and I’ve never had to go past step 2. I’m convinced it’s because I’m committed to go after a dog if I have to. I’m sure not going to get maimed by an animal smaller than me without putting up a fight. Fortunately, the 20 or so I’ve encountered in the past few days have all turned and run with their tails between their legs like the bitches they are.