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Where do you charge your phone?
Published on Sep 12, 2011
I carry with me quite a bit of electronic gear. Yes, charging is something that I have to worry about. However, what I have does very well on the trail. When I get to town, I'll usually stay in either a hostel or hotel. I'll charge any device that needs it. Sometimes I'll charge my phone in a restaurant or wherever I can find an outlet.
Here's what I pack and how I keep it charged:
- Kindle- A month or more on a single charge...best thing I own. I never have to worry about charge.
- HTC Evo Smart Phone- Hours, stays off with battery removed. Biggest pain in my ass.
- iPod Nano- Days between charges with heavy use. I don't play around with it, I just let the good times roll.
- Spot Messenger- Entire journey on 4 AAA batteries.
- Fortrex GPS- Replace 2 AA batteries every few months depending on usage.
- Headlamp- Recharge Petzel Core every week depending on usage.
- GoPro and Kodak Playsport HD Cameras- Recharge bi-weekly. Carry Spare battery packs.
Probably the most indispensable and versatile piece of gear is the Kindle. Virtually unlimited books, ridiculous battery life, email, mp3, does your laundry....without going into too much detail, I don't leave home without it. This is how I stay sane. Yes, I'm plugging it: